KIPA is a Foundation that is open to new ideas and collaborations, especially those originating from the Kytherian society.
According to its Statute, it operates in connection with the Trifyllio Foundation of Kytherians. It cooperates, however, with all cultural associations, local groups, and authorities of Kythera and Antikythera, as well as with any person or body in order to achieve its goals.
It has organized Activity Groups with the participation of representatives from the Kytherean community on issues related to:
- Tourism
- Environment
- Culture
- Rural Development of Kytherian products
At the same time, KIPA forms synergies at a national and international level towards developing innovations as well as transferring know-how and best practices to Kythera, in a way that is harmoniously adapted to the local conditions.
Since 2017, the Foundation has developed a strategic alliance with the Mediterranean Institute for Nature and Anthropos (MedINA). It also maintains close cooperation with the Social Co-operative Enterprise ‘Paths of Greece’. Finally, it has collaborated with the World Trails Network. As part of the ‘Friendship Trails’ program, it has twinned trails of Kythera with the Bruce Trail Conservancy of Canada and the San’in Kaigan Geopark Trail of Japan.