Management & Staff

KIPA is governed by a nine-member Board of Directors, which is the supreme body of the Foundation. Statutory governing bodies are the Chairman of the Board of Directors, who is also the President of the Foundation, the General Secretary, and the Treasurer.

The President and the six members are elected by the electorate (which consists of the Board of Directors of the Foundation “Trifyllion Hospital of Kythera”, the Board of Directors of the Society of Kythera Studies, the Board of Directors of the Kythira University Group, and the outgoing Board of Directors). Two members are appointed by a decision of the Board of Directors of the Trifyllio Foundation by its members one month before the end of the term of office for each Board of Directors of the KIPA Foundation.

The term of office for the Board of Directors is five years.

The selection of the people of the administration of the Foundation, but also of its collaborators, is based on ethics, social and professional activities and contributions, the ability to effectively handle cases, and interest in Kytherian affairs.

The current Board of Directors with a term of office 2019 - 2024 is:

Chairman: Georgios P. Kasimatis
Vice President: Koula Kasimati
Secretary: Peggy Vassiliou
Treasurer: Dimitris Kalligeros
Members: Manolis Kalligeros, Giannis Protopsaltis, Giannis Travasaros & Manolis Charos.


Programmes Manager: Rigas Zafeiriou

Secretariat of Athens: Alexandra Lourandou
Secretariat of Kythira: Rita Kasimati