KIPA continues its publishing activity with the biography of an important Kytherian artist and ardent patriot, Vassilis Haros. His childhood experiences and his artistic career refer to an era of hardships and peculiarities that had a direct impact on his life and the life of his contemporaries. The interest lies not only in the person and the events that marked him but also in the social reality of the post-war period. As Professor George Kasimatis notes:
“The lectionary of Vassilis Haros is not just a narration of simple events or personal experiences. It seems to be – and truly is – a story of a small pre-industrial community of blood brotherhood living primitively in one of the small settlements of an ancient race… »
Vassilis himself notes at the end of his book:
“The artist is not just flesh. He also has a spirit that establishes him and makes him eternal, we should never forget that…”

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